Sunday, October 18, 2009


i am a DOG.
What else is expected of me?
To be like humans?
i live only in the moment
that’s all my brain desires.
It does not need knowing
the world’s shady grays,
its futile arguments
or silly in betweens.

When i love and i run
(are they not the same?)
it’s done full passionate tilt,
never mind if this
morphs me into a drooling
panting puddle every time.
And i know; trust me
i know. i can never catch
those high squawking gulls
and lightning quick squirrels.

i don’t possess their
special abilities to evade
but this never discourages me.
i howl a joyful jealousy.
And i jump; and i bark
bark and jump as high
as i can for crazy birds,
for love and gliding autumn
leaves till exhaustion brings
sleep fitful by your side.

i wake to stare and kiss,
gobble “yucky!” things…
sweet grass and salty earth.
i goof shake and wag
for your angelic face and
big laughter, slender hands
that can do magical things
ooh, a rush when they touch.
Let’s run, let’s jump, can you?
Can you be more like me?

(for my wonderful lovely joyful big-hearted boy)

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