Monday, October 12, 2009


It takes so little,
a gray Tuesday,
a biting wind
tearing dry ivies
from these walls,
and my heart is offered
the howling loneliness
of the world
and cries out for you.

It takes so little,
a pulsing ember,
a thin shadow
dancing by itself
through crystal spaces,
then i clutch white knuckled
sheets that remember
your open softness
lifting me high
into the gentle white rush.

It takes so little,
a divine imprint,
a single promise
living forever
in love's slow time,
then i fall hopelessly
down on trembling knees
and everything collapses
into a dark singularity
where i cease to exist
without you.

(for love remembered and the time we spent together)
* photo with permission and credit to gracious Stephanie Wallace

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