Monday, March 12, 2007


i can
imagine a world without me:
a sun infusing energy potential
and kinetic into all living things
stirring them to movements
through a bright glorious day
and a rose nestles in the leaves
keeps bloom first warmth a while
knowing and sympathetic
to incidental disappearances.

And she who did not speak before
now forgets what needs to be said
not to anyone in particular
but a willingness to listen
about a broken cherished vase.
The child follows a nervous fly
alone in the tidy fragrant kitchen
a thousand fragmented images
living through its eyes
yet nothing for keeping alive.

She swoops his milky lithe body
nudges the patched screen door
brings them into the lush garden
flutter sweet daisies on marigolds
seeds i planted not so long ago.
Tiny laughter twirls in her arms
bright birds feathering a blue wind
forgetting the last menacing storm
gifts to angels while they entertain
thoughts for tomorrows.

(for the fallen soldiers, past and present, who made the ultimate sacrifice)
* Photo with permission and credit to Jonathan at: