Thursday, November 20, 2008


Who is this pretty bruised woman
bearing children for lost angry men?
And who herself seethes with anger
when choices made not seemingly
forgotten or understood.
Bare ignorance is mine entirely,
no judgment as to reasons, to the end
results. Why would anyone fling
honed daggers at innocent bystanders?

And her wandering children outside
could be pretty or homely,
sweet or sour even…
But should always be pretty and sweet
snug to loins which sprung them right?
Shouldn’t their fragile blossoming bodies
be cradled close to mother and father
(but oh not too so closely now)
in brightly lit family rooms?

And where are those fathers anyway?
Fitting perhaps they hide,
never seem to be around anyhow,
back doorsteps flirting with absence.
Tough lifting and holding i suppose
puny disoriented souls, little pink booties
merry-go-round in mud puddles,
dripping warm diamonds and pearls
down murky broken waters in the rain.

How long could innocence be contained
framed through a jagged window pane?
Heartbreaks lurking shame weeps alone.
Born to keep a broken family fed
the children’s bed safe and warm
too many damp socks too little sunshine
neglected hearts grow restless then unkind
till her weary spent calling love breaths
yearn dazed drifts over the thin white lines.

(from a volunteering stint at a women's shelter)
*Photo with permission from the generous and highly gifted Etienne Pisano

Friday, November 14, 2008


Back then, i didn't know
how to see myself
through your longing eyes,
solitary when the mirror
gave a partial frozen image
that couldn't keep itself in your
soft mercy over disbeliefs.

i didn’t know how to cradle
your heart even less mine,
fill it with simple dreams and
reckless abandon for failure
or banishment. Love seemed
far away like a faint distant
beacon through the haze.

My fear risked nothing
still contrived to lose it all.
i stepped to the other side
of an open door then vanished
completely from your light
and witnessed a bright Virgo
drifting through the stars.

Would it be possible now
to retrace my missteps,
sift through the gritty sands
in this barren desert
and find the hidden oasis
waiting in timeless patience
for the traveler’s return?

Or it is simply too late
recollecting hopes in a porous
vessel for a life unbalanced,
and you would kiss me now
more in sympathy than regret
set me free like a lost dove
its troubled journey is undone.

*photo with permission and credit to Keith Watson of Ontario