Wednesday, June 20, 2007


in that far yet foreseeable future
when our scars no longer matter
and choices return full circle
where we first met for us
to speak of love again.

charge by absence and time
with a single heartfelt purpose
to bring back the mixed laughter
once heard in our joyful voices
floating above the generous Earth,

together we walk beyond roads
under autumn sanguine colors
fade into dusk without sorrow,
muse a question "what was it
in the balance of all things
turned into silent disregards?"

and hope lives on
the horizon’s edge of golden light
where our hands search to hold,
our linked shadows softly
into cool evening fall.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

take me

Take me on that tempest’s night,
when flowers fold beneath torrents,
to the secret place where you hide,
unfilled lonely spaces in your heart.

And softly i will come near,
gently touch you enclose you,
melt into you like rays from a fire
on a sharp winter night.

Then you will find me deep within,
a tempered white river flowing dreams.
Love’s unrepressed residual
removed from silence from Time.

Then you will know what i am
always. i am your lived days,
your precious laughter and tears,
and their net worth their everything.

i have come into the placid pool
reflecting your grace a gentle smile.
Epiphanies like stars in your eyes,
chart the blessed course of my life.

*Photo credit to Diddý from the awesome and mystical land of Iceland

Monday, March 12, 2007


i can
imagine a world without me:
a sun infusing energy potential
and kinetic into all living things
stirring them to movements
through a bright glorious day
and a rose nestles in the leaves
keeps bloom first warmth a while
knowing and sympathetic
to incidental disappearances.

And she who did not speak before
now forgets what needs to be said
not to anyone in particular
but a willingness to listen
about a broken cherished vase.
The child follows a nervous fly
alone in the tidy fragrant kitchen
a thousand fragmented images
living through its eyes
yet nothing for keeping alive.

She swoops his milky lithe body
nudges the patched screen door
brings them into the lush garden
flutter sweet daisies on marigolds
seeds i planted not so long ago.
Tiny laughter twirls in her arms
bright birds feathering a blue wind
forgetting the last menacing storm
gifts to angels while they entertain
thoughts for tomorrows.

(for the fallen soldiers, past and present, who made the ultimate sacrifice)
* Photo with permission and credit to Jonathan at:

Saturday, February 17, 2007


things which happened here can happen anywhere
collapsing ruins too collapsed to solicit care
could be a prelude of a future that is to come
gnawing on a dream till daylight and then some
factories once pound a hard pulse one can feel
where great cauldrons cook white flowing steel
sweat washes soot from lean and hardened faces
giving men their daily bread and hourly graces
broken ceiling and glass now lie bare and cold
those same faces have since gone or gotten old
sky falling through on top rusty broken ibeams
hard earned treasures turning to dust it seems
livelihood and joy are prisoners of yesterdays
doldrums bid farewell they turn and march away
nothing worth to take no faith to leave behind
no crimes to commit except one of killing time
living by prophets’ light too long might blind
better off finding safe refuge inside the mind
asylums rot off the remnants of the truly sane
crypts forget which despot or mighty’s remains
cathedrals choked by moss by weedy undergrowth
God grants no audience for these lonely ghosts
things which happened here can happen anywhere
collapsing ruins too collapsed to solicit care
could be a prelude of a future that is to come
gnawing on a dream till daylight and then some

*(for Seth, urban explorer extraordinaire, whose life was taken far before its time)
*photo in memory and credit to Seth Thomas a.k.a Def Null of Hobart Indiana, who will live on in the heart and mind of all those he touched.