Saturday, February 17, 2007


things which happened here can happen anywhere
collapsing ruins too collapsed to solicit care
could be a prelude of a future that is to come
gnawing on a dream till daylight and then some
factories once pound a hard pulse one can feel
where great cauldrons cook white flowing steel
sweat washes soot from lean and hardened faces
giving men their daily bread and hourly graces
broken ceiling and glass now lie bare and cold
those same faces have since gone or gotten old
sky falling through on top rusty broken ibeams
hard earned treasures turning to dust it seems
livelihood and joy are prisoners of yesterdays
doldrums bid farewell they turn and march away
nothing worth to take no faith to leave behind
no crimes to commit except one of killing time
living by prophets’ light too long might blind
better off finding safe refuge inside the mind
asylums rot off the remnants of the truly sane
crypts forget which despot or mighty’s remains
cathedrals choked by moss by weedy undergrowth
God grants no audience for these lonely ghosts
things which happened here can happen anywhere
collapsing ruins too collapsed to solicit care
could be a prelude of a future that is to come
gnawing on a dream till daylight and then some

*(for Seth, urban explorer extraordinaire, whose life was taken far before its time)
*photo in memory and credit to Seth Thomas a.k.a Def Null of Hobart Indiana, who will live on in the heart and mind of all those he touched.

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